We have two 24x7 production databases with different charactersets. Yes, both charactersets are related to Arabic language. Database A’s characterset is AR8MSWIN1256 while database B’s characterset is AR8ISO8859P6.
We had a requirement wherein database A will read Arabic data from database B. If you create a database link and try to query data from database B it will appear to be garbage, as shown below:
whereas when you run the same query on database B, this is how the output looks:
Even you are unaware of Arabic language, you may visually compare and see the output is a garbage when queried from database A.
DUMP function comes handy under these situations. It returns internal representation of an expression. When used to against the “name” failed, I get this output.
SQL> select dump(name) from test_iso@testdb;
Typ=1 Len=13: 227,205,227,207,32,194,213,221,32,227,196,227,228
where, “Typ” refers to datatype, “Len” means the length of the string, and everything after “:” is comma separated ASCII values of all the characters in the “name” field.
I wrote a small procedure where convert all the comma separated ASCII values to character string.
create or replace function read_name (p_id in number) return varchar2 is
t_str varchar2(2000);
l_name varchar2(2000);
l_output varchar2(2000);
select 'select '||'chr('||replace(substr(dump(name, 1010), instr(dump(name, 1010), ':')+2), ',', ')|| chr(')||') from dual'
into t_str from test_iso@testdb
where id = p_id;
-- dbms_output.put_line(t_str);
execute immediate t_str into l_output;
return l_output;
Now upon using this function, I am able to query remote table in a readable format.
Here’s the output: